
How To Install Custom Mouse Cursors Windows 10

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Windows has a fine set of default aero cursor set or mouse pointers. But if you feel like a change and would like to replace them with a customized set, you can modify cursors easily in Windows 11/10/8/7. In this mail, we will run into how to install, alter, and customize mouse pointers & cursor sets.

Install, change & customize Mouse Cursors in Windows

To install mouse cursors on Windows eleven or Windows ten PC:

  • Download the ready of cursors and identify the cursors folder in the C:\Windows\Cursors binder. This is where Windows places all the mouse cursors & pointers.
  • Create a new binder called, say, "NewCursors" or keep the default cursor gear up'due south name. Brand sure all the new cursor .cur files are in this binder.
  • If you see a .INF file in the folder, click on it to install the cursor set.

If you do not run across it, you will have to install the cursors manually.

Install, change & customize Cursors

  1. Via the Command Console, open up Mouse applet, and click on Pointers tab.
  2. Some downloads come with an Install.inf or AutoSetup.inf file. To install these cursors, simply correct-click on this .inf file and select Install. This saves a lot of endeavor on your part!
  3. Next, open up the Control Panel applet, and from the drop-down bill of fare, select the newly installed cursors. Click Use > OK.
  4. Else yous volition have to do it manually for each item.
  5. Select Windows Aero (arrangement scheme) in the Scheme drop-down listing, if information technology isn't already selected.
  6. Click on the "Relieve As" button and name your new scheme every bit say, "NewCursors". Click OK.
  7. In the Customize list, select the Normal Select cursor. Click Browse.

Navigate to C:\Windows\Cursor\NewCursors\, select the advisable file for the appropriate mouse gesture, and click Open. Click Use.

You have to practise then with every file for every mouse gesture.

Yous may likewise want to check out some of these cool cursors:

Unborn Shadow Edition | Metro X | Directions | OpenCursor Library

Besides check out Ultimate Windows Customizer, which allows you to customize your Windows installation, including changing the Start Button, Logon Screen, Thumbnails, Taskbar, Explorer look, Windows Media Player, and more!

If you know of whatever more proficient cursors for Windows, practice share in the comments.

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Delight read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making whatever changes to your organisation & be careful about any tertiary-party offers while installing freeware.


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